
Kids decorate cookies with Santa and Mrs. Claus

So, this Saturday will feature Santa’s Workshop from 4:30-6 p.m., the annual Christmas parade beginning at 7 p.m., and, following the parade, a live nativity display presented courtesy of the Marshall United Methodist Church, Pastor Kevin Dotts and local farmer Tim Sheeley, featuring live animals, Christmas hymns and a telling of the nativity story. James Harden of the Houston Rockets, meanwhile, reveals that Santa Claus also has a “nasty” list.


It’s that time of year again.

Whether the letters are addressed to the North Pole or Jolly Lane – the U.S. Postal Service somehow decides to deliver them here, Emily Thompson, director of the Santa Claus Museum and Village, told CBS News.

According to the organization’s website,, Santa Texas prides itself in “bringing the North Pole south to Texas”. I wish for cabbage patch Kid and Dog.

One girl asked for video games and world peace.

“Ho, ho, ho!” said Dawkins.

Now customers can even pre-order their photo packages and receive a ‘Santa Fast-Pass’ that allows kids to skip the line and go straight to taking pictures with Santa. “It was a great event, and I believe the students enjoyed it”. This also isn’t ESPN’s first encounter with Santa Claus.

When Santa asks, “What do you want for Christmas?” the youngster appears not to hear or respond.

From Monday December 21, Santa will be available until Christmas Eve at the same times each day.

Here are just a few that have been spreading the Christmas magic for both kids and adults alike.

Over the weekend, as people bustled through the Cleveland Centre in Middlesbrough, UK checking items of their lists, Santa had a special interaction with a little girl with hearing loss.

The reaction was quick and painful for the brand as the company’s Facebook and Twitter pages were riddled with angry comments that described the idea as “thoughtless” and said it had a “very unsightly nature especially so close to Christmas!”.


Despite shopping center Santas’ reputation for unsettling little ones, one Sinterklaas in particular was captured reminding us why the Christmas season is so enchanting.

This browser extension stops kids stumbling across lies that Santa isn't real