
Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program near completion

The Angel Tree gifts will be distributed to parents on December 16.


Betty Chandler serving as the Salvation Army’s official Angel Tree volunteer for 20 years at The Woodlands Mall.

Chandler embodies the Salvation Army’s mission of reaching out to those less fortunate, like Its founders Catherine and William Booth, who started the Salvation Army in 1865, to give hope to the poor, destitute, and hungry.

Hundreds of children need your help to have a Merry Christmas this year, and time is running out.

Lewis said, at this point, items most needed for next week’s Angel Tree distribution are toys for boys and girls ages 3 to 8.

“We’ve already received gifts for about 600 children, and we have another 400 that need gifts”, said Chandler.

Last year, the Salvation Army of Altus, which serves Jackson and Greer Counties, with the help of our local community, provided nearly 150 families with food and 248 children with toys.

Roxanne Matous from the Salina Salvation Army says “the community was so helpful by selecting 661 Angels off the tree within two weeks, now is the time to get the gifts back”.

“These are needy families who have the tough decision of paying for groceries or keeping the lights on instead of buying toys for their children this Christmas”, Brown said.


Gifts for more than 60 of the children will come from the Carter County Car Club, which collected $4,500 in donations for an Angel Tree shopping excursion conducted Tuesday night at Walmart in Elizabethton.

Kmart's Sue Smith and the Salvation Army's Shane Chisholm want to make sure no children are left out