
Ali responds to Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering US

British Prime Minister David Cameron slammed the proposed ban as “divisive and unhelpful”.


London mayor Boris Johnson delivered the strongest riposte, saying the remarks rendered Mr Trump unfit for office.

“I just don’t think Donald Trump is temperamentally suited to be president”, the evangelical college president told the Colorado Independent.

“We’ve made this mistake before as a country and we can not make it again”. And he wound up delivering the very message IS recruiters hoped they could con some Westerner into saying.

Although there were no other immediate announcements of business partners breaking with Trump so far, others made clear they were uneasy using his brand name in the Middle East, where he has been actively expanding his footprint in recent years, heavily concentrated in the Gulf business hub of Dubai.

The French prime minister, like many others, correctly said Trump’s rhetoric plays into the hands of terrorists.

Any issue on which a petition exceeds six-figure support is expected to be debated by MPs unless it is deemed “unsuitable” by the Commons petitions committee – or is being pursued “in another way”.

A former Trump business partner in Dubai, construction billionaire Khalaf al-Habtoor, said Trump wrecked his prospects for successful collaborations in the region.

“This is a president highly respected by all, he did the same thing”, Trump said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Tuesday. “I understand he has a primary to fight in six weeks and I’m sure that is what his focus will be on”.

He has also been relieved of his honorary degree from Robert Gordon University (RGU) in Aberdeen, where he was awarded a doctorate of business administration in October 2010. The post had more than 50,000 likes on Facebook. Trump, meanwhile, visited Live With Kelly & Michael – less august perhaps, but maybe more viewers.

Users experienced difficulties accessing the page on Wednesday “which may have been caused by a high volume of signatures”, a Government spokeswoman said.

“I get so much television”, he boasted, that if the TV networks’ flood-the-zone Trump coverage was interrupted for Trump commercials, “people would get sick of it. I’m about $30 million under budget, which is nice”, he smiled. “We’ll see what happens and I’ll make a determination”.

“Mr Osborne has had to change his mind on more than a few occasions in the past”.

In the past, people have been banned from entering the United Kingdom for fostering hatred that might provoke intercommunity violence.

Trump bragged, “I am the least racist person that you have ever met”. “They saw those two animals last week go out and shoot people”.


“We absolutely need the help of Muslim countries”.

MANCHESTER N.H.- Even campaigning half as much as his rivals Donald Trump is drowning them out in an echo chamber of insults and charged pronouncements that have taken over the presidential campaign. Frustrated GOP candidates trekking across Iowa New