
Star Wars: new poster, end credits, more footage

During today’s press conference for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a conference in which none of the press had seen the film because it wasn’t screened for them, J.J. Newcomers Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Finn (John Boyega) lead a younger generation that grapples with the conflicts that haunted the past.


Following this brief meeting with Miranda, Abrams started to communicate with Miranda be sending email regarding the creation of the music for the film “The Force Awakens“. “That’s how secretive it was”.

An online poll of movie fans in 2006 found Binks to be the most annoying film character of all time.

Don’t expect just keep revealing bits of the movie like this though – he vowed he won’t answer this question again! Adam Driver claimed he could not remember if his character, the Darth Vader-like Kylo Ren, had his own theme song.

The new Force Awakens update for Star Wars: Commander is available as a free download through the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Not to be forgotten are the beloved droids R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) as well as Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Han Solo’s Wookiee co-pilot.

“I can’t say anything about my size”, she said with a laugh, but perhaps added a clue: “You know, posters are not really up to scale”. Those of you who have been following updates and stories about Star Wars: The Force Awakens for a while will note that this dispels a rumor that has been going around for the last few months. None of the roles of the main characters have been fully divulged, rising endless theories from devoted fans, some of which may seem more plausible than others.

“Jar Jar is definitely not in the movie”, Kennedy told a press conference earlier this week (via the Guardian), undoubtedly shattering countless conspiracy theories and a heart or two. However, he teased that some may have sneaked into the set, considering that there were so many of them in “Return of the Jedi”. Either way, I’m sure no matter how you see it, it won’t disappoint!


Caleb Grimes, the Virginia-based author of the “Star Wars Jesus” book and website, believes young Luke Skywalker’s initial yearning for something more in life echoes “our desire to know a personal God”.
