
Five New Pics Released From Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Despite embodying the intergalactic scoundrel in three films, the “Indiana Jones” star didn’t feel the need to provide “Force Awakens” filmmakers with much insight into Solo, who is back alongside shaggy sidekick Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew).


But that same hype will likely intimidate “Star Wars” neophytes: would they have to watch all six prequels to understand the seventh installment? “It’s not a place for teaching and all that”. So he sent an email to Downey’s agent saying, essentially, “Hi, I’m John”. DuVernay is also on record saying that she likes to “deconstruct heroes, deconstruct myths”, and what other category does the Star Wars universe fit into at this point?

“It was a powerful engine of entertainment (and) the first time I had a significant role in something that was that successful”. Later, Boyega remembers he was driving in London when he got a call from an unknown number.

“I had to look like I could look after myself in the desert and drag and scavenging things across sand”, she said.

The two then talked for two hours, and have since hung out – once going for a meal of chicken and waffles.

He’s on an intensely scrutinised promotional tour for the year’s biggest movie event – but Harrison Ford doesn’t want Star Wars fans to listen to a word he says. “The Episode III line I met the woman who would eventually be my wife…She’s not here right now because she’s taking care of our babies”, he added.

“I’m a strong individual”.

“The fame side of things is a weird twist that I’m not kind of interested in”, she said.

So why are they doing this when they could just buy the tickets on Fandango or whatever?

The Hollywood Reporter writes today that Star Wars fans are already camping out in front of the the TCL Chinese Theater in L.A. – and some of them have been there since December 5!

The English star said: ‘I will be everywhere, and I don’t mean on the posters.


While the film has been cloaked in an unparalleled level of secrecy, Ford guaranteed that fans can expect the same Solo they fell in love with from the original “Star Wars” trilogy. “Do my damn thing”.

J.J. Abrams had to remind Daisy Ridley that BB-8 is not an adorable child