
Twitter targets ads at logged-out users

As Twitter becomes more of a news hub than simple social network, the company has recently placed greater emphasis on its experience for visitors without an account (or who haven’t logged in).


Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) shares were moving higher on Thursday after news broke that the firm would start to show ads to people who weren’t logged in.

The test will put specific types of promoted tweet (that is paid for tweets which have traditionally appeared in users timelines) – links to websites and other conversions and video views.

“What we’re launching is a way for marketers to target more of Twitter’s total audience than they’ve ever had before”, said chief operating officer Adam Bain. “Marketers can now maximise the opportunities they have to connect with that audience”, the company said in a blog post.

The initial iteration of these ads will be only promoted Tweets and Videos on the desktop & web version of profile pages and Tweet detail pages.

Promoted tweets for logged out users are rolling gradually starting today in the US, UK, Japan and Australia – more places will follow.

Twitter has defended its user base, which is about a fifth the size of Facebook’s, by saying that its content is more broadly distributed to non-members through news sites, television and Google.


Over the past year, Twitter has had a bit of a growth problem though ad revenues have been shown nice growth.

Jack Dorsey