
University revokes Donald Trump’s honorary degree after ‘Muslim ban’ proposal

“We are the ones looked at with a certain level of suspicion, which is understandable if people don’t know Muslims and they haven’t seen anything besides what they are watching on TV, because the coverage is available”, he said.


Trump, the leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, made the provocative remarks after last week’s shooting that left 14 dead in California by a Muslim couple said to have been radicalised.

Stewart Mills, the Republican challenger, said in a phone interview that Trump’s comments distracted attention from “the real issues” and refocused it on Trump himself.

“I think Donald Trump will have some integrity and honor his word and continue to run as a Republican and not as an Independent”, said Marc Newman, the Nevada political director for the Ben Carson campaign. I’m the opposite. I’m somebody that understands what is going on. “I reject him”, al-Habtoor told The Associated Press. “He’s creating hatred between Muslims and Christians”, Habtoor, who at one time held the contract to build a later-canceled Trump International Hotel & Tower in Dubai, told Reuters.

The cancellation is a blow to Trump, with Israel treated as a regular campaign stop for many USA presidential candidates.

“Imagine that a country or a candidate would say entrance to Jews is forbidden, the whole world would stand up in protest, saying this is a racist anti-Semite”.

But Chancellor George Osborne dismissed calls for Trump to be excluded from the United Kingdom, saying it was better for his “nonsense” views to be challenged in debate.

They hope their new mosque can even change a few minds.

He added that what he is proposing is only one-tenth as bad as what former president Franklin Roosevelt did when he forced Japanese-Americans into internment camps.

Robert Gunnell, a spokesman for Ali, said later the statement “was not a direct response to Donald Trump”.

Those are among the highlights from an evening spent with a focus group of past and present Trump supporters from the Washington metropolitan area – the heart of the political establishment that Trump’s candidacy threatens.

Even China weighed in with indirect criticism of Trump’s comments, which have been condemned by the White House, US congressional leaders, the United Nations, the prime ministers of France and Britain, a wide array of human and civil rights groups and many of Trump’s Republican rivals and potential Democratic opponents in the November 2016 US presidential election. The United States, like most of the global community, refuses to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and says the city’s status must be resolved in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. “There will certainly be exceptions made”, Trump said.

If he doesn’t want to spend his own money, he could start fundraising in earnest. I was against the war in Iraq in 2003, I said don’t do it…

He will get a photo op with Israeli leaders – the visit was planned for him to be able to consult with “Bibi”, as Trump calls the Prime Minister of Israel.


Ivanka’s rabbi, Elie Weinstock, says he does not know Trump personally.

EMILY's List links vulnerable Republicans to Trump