
Does Star Wars: The Force Awakens Have An After The Credits Scene?

Captain Phasma is officially the first female villain in the entire “Star Wars” movie franchise, and she will still be a part of the future installments of the film after the upcoming film.


“Just ’cause”, Ford said coyly. The new film, directed by J.J. Abrams, is key to Disney’s overall movie strategy because it is the first of multiple planned Star Wars pictures, including sequels and spinoffs. But I know that people will start talking about what happens immediately.

If your movie fan is in love with a specific cinematic universe, an illustrated movie guide can serve as a fun edition to the boxed set of films they undoubtedly already have at home.

Asked about how it felt to return to the franchise that launched him to fame as the devil-may-care Han Solo almost four decades ago, Ford – who has often kept “Star Wars” at a distance in the past – said, “It feels good”.

Walt Disney Co, which took over “Star Wars” with its 2012 purchase of Lucasfilm, scrapped the typical Hollywood practice of screening the movie for reporters before they speak with the cast.

Star Wars producer Kathleen Kennedy confirmed, to much applause, that beloved despised prequel character Jar-Jar Binks will not be in the movie.

Although fans may be disappointed not to find any teasers at the end of “The Force Awakens“, they have a lot to look forward to in the form of trailers and promotional materials as more “Star Wars” films are slated to release until 2020.

What is known is that “Force Awakens” is set 30 years after “Return of the Jedi”. This three-minute Star Wars video is a review of the series. While in the United Kingdom the film will be released on the 17th of December.

Luke’s mother, Marsha, said she expected the hat to never leave the boy’s sight.

“I would be very, very surprised if it came in below $175 million”, says Bruce Nash, president of film industry research firm Nash Information Services.


Adam Driver likens Star Wars to the real world: “We have such short memories of huge events, and mass genocide, and then we forget about it, it seems”. Basically, once the movie is over, you can feel free to leave the theater, provided sticking around to nod your head in appreciation at a bunch of unfamiliar names isn’t your thing.

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