
Fallout Shelter update brings a popular Companion to the game

It’s no surprise that Fallout 4 is one of the most popular games of the year, but plenty of folks were surprised by the success of Fallout Shelter.


A major update for Fallout Shelter is rolling out to vault managers through Google Play, bringing with it ways to increase high-yield dweller communities, as well as 4-legged companions, aka pets! The first and biggest of the bunch is the inclusion of pets of the dog and cat variety. Welcome to the Wasteland, slackers…

Another great feature is the new Sell All option when looking to clean out your inventory.

Bored with the same pickup lines and conversations? Also speaking of happiness, Dwellers now have new ways to communicate and impress the opposite sex. The new Fallout Shelter update is a good one as it appears to address several issues gamers have been dealing with while finally bringing Dogmeat and other pets into the game.

Dweller management improvements and new objectives should help experienced Overseers keep things running smoothly.

Finally, the developer made other improvements “because you can never have enough improvements or optimizations”. Overseers should also expect various improvements and optimizations to the game.

Fallout Shelter is available on iOS and Android devices for free.


For iOS users, the game can be downloaded for free via App Store.

Fallout Shelter- Dogmeat