
Clinton emails peek into candidate’s personal life

A viral Vine video showing a kid’s eyes perking up at a rally when the senator calls for removing the federal prohibition on marijuana was shared more than 110,000 times on Twitter alone last month.


“We need to join together right now before they get a stronghold and work to eliminate ISIS in Sirte”.

It’s driven by the intense dislike for Clinton by activists on the left and the right, but mainly the right. That vagueness, and the dodge it grants Clinton, is central to her proposal, for this sort of spending would be a much harder sell if she said that the middle class might be on the hook for the bill.

Clinton announced her presidential campaign a little more than two years later.

Thirteen Democratic women senators stood on stage at a fundraiser Monday night to rally for Hillary Clinton, but there was one noticeable absence. A running trend is confusion from Clinton over technology, glowing praise from close friends and employees and some insight into what her days looked like at the State Department. She struggles repeatedly with how to receive a fax.

Sanders has attempted to play this to his advantage.

Cheryl Senter/AP Clinton greets supporters after speaking at the New Hampshire Democrats party’s annual dinner Sunday in Manchester.

Call it an early Christmas present.

Responding to Blumenthal’s compliment of her glasses, Clinton said, “I just have to figure out what I’m doing w the rest of my life!”. She saw Clinton for a half hour in October 2009, the same year the union spent almost $1 million on lobbying the government. Barbara Boxer urging Clinton to run for president.

She often makes fun of herself.

While most comments will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive, moderating decisions are subjective.

“Right now that’s not where we are”, Warren said.

“We’re going to lead in the world or take a back seat and pay a big price for it”, she told CBS’ Charlie Rose Tuesday.

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s staff carefully plotted how to pad her numbers to make certain their boss broke the record for most countries visited by a secretary of state while in office.

Unlike his peers in New York’s financial district, Ryan welcomes Sanders’ plan to get aggressive with with large banks.

Following Shaheen, Sen. Amy Klobuchar joked she can see Iowa from her porch in neighboring Minnesota.

After all, it’s been said Clinton was held back from endorsing same-sex marriage for religious reasons.

Politically, this sort of tax hike hand waving is a good move, because it allows Clinton to proposed hundreds of billions in new spending while saying, essentially, that of course it will be paid for-by someone else. Given her position against same-sex marriage at the time, the exchange raises questions about whether the article influenced her change in position. The women also drew sharp contrasts between Clinton and Republican presidential candidates.

“If Hillary Clinton was the president”, says one girl, “then a lot of girls could be the president. Yes, I did”, Clinton said.

Clinton touched on the theme earlier in the day during an appearance at the Atlantic Council in Washington in which she discussed foreign policy.


Turning to the economy, she said that as secretary of state, she strove to increase exports from American businesses.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton smiles as she walks off-stage after speaking at the Atlantic Council Women’s Leadership in Latin America Initiative in Washington. |AP