
Cruz, Gaining on Trump in Iowa, Intensifies War Rhetoric

His nearest competitor, Texas senator Ted Cruz, trails by 20 points.


Republican pollster B.J. Martino parsed the new CNN poll that has Trump looking all but unbeatable at this stage: “They have a sample of 1,020 adults – and 445 of those they say constitute the Republican primary universe”. Chatting with reporters before a candidate forum in Cedar Rapids, Cruz stated Republican voters are beginning to coalesce behind his candidacy. Cruz, who entered & exited to a standing ovation from the gang, promised to “utterly destroy” Islamic terrorists. “I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out”.

Front-runner Donald Trump urged supporters at a rally in Spencer to do all they can to make it to the caucuses on February 1. Trump had 36 percent among Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents. Sen.

An unnamed Israeli official quoted by The Jerusalem Post said that Netanyahu will meet with Trump during his visit as part of Netanyahu’s policy of meeting all major presidential candidates.

So the best of the rest looks like this with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie earning 4 percent, followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina at 3 percent each, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Ohio Gov. John Kasich at 2 percent each and Kentucky Sen. Among non-tea party Republicans, 28 percent favored Carson, 27 percent Trump, 13 percent Rubio, 10 percent Cruz and 7 percent Bush.

Former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina also spoke at the almost five-hour-long event, which finished just ahead of the University of Iowa’s Big Ten championship game against Michigan State. “It’s more to give nuance and context about what Tennesseans think about what’s going on, but based on our poll, if the Democratic primary were held today, Hillary Clinton would win Tennessee pretty overwhelmingly”, said Vanderbilt political science professor Joshua Clinton, the poll’s co-director. But he said he wasn’t anxious.

After touting his strong approval numbers in recent polls on how he would handle the economy and lead the country, Trump stated that voters also “love him on terrorism”, to which the crowd erupted in applause.

“He wrote a book and in the book, he said awful things about himself”, Trump said of Carson.

“If I could talk to these four people, I’d say you may be a Democrat, you may be a liberal, we’re going to make our country great…”

“You don’t stop bad guys by taking away our guns”. The rally comes just two days after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., left 14 people dead and 21 injured.

“I threw up in my mouth so many times I need a mint”, the audience member told Rubin.


“With us, we have a deal instinct, a lot of us”, he said, claiming that he could put his talents to good use in brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal after decades of conflict. Paul generally favors limiting American influence overseas.

CNN Poll Trump’s the Right Man to Handle Economy Immigration