
Christmas ‘laser’ lights causing problems for planes

Two new laser strikes near Austin-Bergstrom International Airport reported on Sunday were confirmed with KVUE.


With the laser lights, you can avoid getting up on a ladder to hang hundreds of lights because the laser beams are projected from the ground.

Consumers are being warned that holiday laser lights can pose a threat to the flying public.

“It’s something that most people don’t think about when they’re putting up some kind of display or anything like that”.

Lights created to make it easier to decorate a home for Christmas could cause problems for pilots.

Birkett is the creator of a 250,000-light Winter Wonderland display at his Scottsdale home.

“A lot of people these days are shooting lasers at their house thinking, ‘Hey it’s just on my house, ‘” Birkett said.

Kelly said folks who buy laser light displays need to make sure they’re pointed at the house and not the sky. A similar incident involving a helicopter occurred a month earlier in Sacramento, according to KRON news station in the San Francisco Bay area.

It’s a federal crime to shine a laser at a plane, and while no one was charged in those cases, several so-called laser strikes are being blamed on the holiday laser displays, reports CBS News correspondent Mireya Villarreal.

Ed also found he wasn’t the only one searching for the Star Shower lasers.

NewsChopper 12 pilot Cris DeHaven said the intense light beams can be blinding to pilots.

The Star Shower lights are a unique idea that have apparently struck a chord with buyers but have inadvertently caused some of them to interfere with pilots.

The Federal Aviation Administration is warning the public and pilots alike about the possible dangers of holiday laser light displays.


However, the FAA says those laser beams can be hazardous to flights. Instead, the laser light users had to adjust their home lighting.

New laser Christmas displays are could be dangerous for pilots