
Turkey accuses Russia of conducting ethnic cleansing in Syria

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Thursday that Turkey’s accusations of Moscow allegedly attempting ethnic cleansing with its airstrikes in northern Syria are “groundless”.


“They want to expel, they want to ethnically cleanse this area so that regime and Russian bases in Latakia and Tartus are protected”, he said.

Although Russia and Turkey have had good relations under the leaderships of Mr Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the aggressive nationalism of both men has seen them take different sides since the Arab Spring. “That is the objective”, Davutoglu said. The human rights monitors are not present in any great number in that region – a stronghold of President Assad.

In response to Russian Federation initiating bombings in Syria in September, the Islamic State issued a series of videos threatening a response, including one November 12 that said there would be attacks in Russian Federation “very soon”. They are called the Northern Territories in Japan and the Southern Kurils in Russian Federation.

“Who is benefitting from this?” “Right now we have two major enemies – the Syrian regime and Daesh [ISIS]”.

Since Russia participated in the war against the ISIS, almost 5,000 Turkmen and Sunnis have fled their homes, BBC said in a separate report.

To achieve that timeline, Saudi Arabia is hosting a conference this week to try to unite Syria’s divided rebel and opposition groups, who are trying to forge a common platform to be able to negotiate with the Syrian government.

“Of course this is a new situation”.

The Kurdish YPG force in Syria, which the United States considers an ally in the fight with ISIS, remains unacceptable to Turkey.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on Wednesday indicated that nothing is off the table when it comes to fighting Islamic State terrorists – including the prospect of digging into Moscow’s nuclear arsenal. Turkey had asserted that the warplane was shot down as it violated the Turkish airspace, a claim that has been vehemently denied by Russian Federation.

Kerry said he would visit Moscow next week as Russian Federation and the United States work to forge a framework for a Syrian ceasefire and political transition.

“If everyone acts on his own then will always be these types of unnecessary, unintentional confrontations”.

It said the two leaders talked of ways to cooperate in the fight against IS militants and other terrorist groups.

“What did we learn from this?”


The coalition forces are continuing with strikes on ISIS as part of Operation Inherent Resolve.

Cameron and Putin