
Simon Cowell’s West London Home Burgled

The singing contest has suffered an onslaught of criticism and a severe slump in ratings this series, but a defiant Simon Cowell is so confident he can turn the show around he’s promised to walk away if he doesn’t.


Simon Cowell had a scare when his home was burgled and he thought his son, Eric, had been taken.

Simon Cowell’s London mansion was burglarized early Friday morning.

But this isn’t the first time Cowell has had intruders in his home… “Apart from the fact someone broke into my house and stole my stuff, which is scary, it could have been worse”, Cowell said, according to Entertainment Tonight. “That was the frightening thing, the idea someone was in my house”. According to the Mirror, security guard M’Bathonha Mendes ran after the thief after he found Cowell’s passport on the pavement and noticed a figure running off into the night. But he heaped praise on Mendes – branding him a hero and revealing he’s line for a large Christmas bonus.

Simon and his family were not hurt – they were reportedly asleep at the time – and had left the house by the time police arrived to begin their investigation.

[One] got out the vehicle, picked up my passport, realised it was mine and approached the guy. “That was the first thing we did, to make sure he was OK”, Cowell told he Sunday.

Bookies say Johnson is the shortest price any X Factor contestant has been to win the show heading into the final.

The tough conditions were said to have been demanded by Lauren’s ex Andrew, as the NY property developer was furious his wife-of-10-years had become pregnant by his then best pal Simon in summer 2013.

Joking about his Yorkshire terriers Squiddly and Diddly, Cowell added: “We have the worst guard dogs in the world”.

Fear does not seem to be the friend of the security guard at Cowell’s residence.


The Portuguese security guard added: “It was around 1.50am and I was between patrols”. In 2012 stalker Leanne Zaloumis got in through a bathroom window.

Simon Cowell feared son was kidnapped during break-in