
Armed man taken into custody after driving to Arkansas State University

University officials and police said Brad Kenneth Bartelt was armed with a 12-gauge shotgun and containers of gasoline and propane when he was taken into custody on the Arkansas State University campus Thursday, the Associated Press reported.


In fact, ASU stated in a news alert the man had not fired any shots after driving a pickup truck into the middle of the school’s campus, toward the “east side of Reng Student Union”.

Police began descending on the campus, the witness said, adding that the armed man was taken into custody soon after and that police were now inspecting the truck.

Although police surrounded the shooter, people were still urged to stay away from the student union. It wasn’t clear what was said in discussions, but Bartelt eventually threw the shotgun down and surrendered, Elliott said.

University officials called off final exams Thursday and rescheduled them for Wednesday, said Chancellor Tim Hudson.

The FBI, Arkansas State Police Bomb Squad and Craighead County Sheriff’s Department were among the agencies cooperating with one another in response to the situation.

Police were on the scene. “He wanted to do harm to himself”, Elliott said. Holmes said he did not know whether Bartelt had an attorney.

At one point, Elliott said, the man poured gasoline on his own truck.

Student Government President Logan Mustain said his organization asked campus police to advise students how to handle active-shooter incidents following similar situations that have occurred in the past year elsewhere. “Officers in process of securing vehicle now”, the Jonesboro Police Department said on its Twitter feed.

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ASU is located about 130 miles northeast of Little Rock.

Arkansas State-Alert