
Donald Trump Leading Republican Presidential Race Again

“Trump maintained leads in other polls as well”.


Trump gets 27 per cent of Republican voters, with 17 per cent for Rubio, 16 per cent each for Carson and Cruz of Texas and five per cent for Bush.

“If people come in and the blow up people and they shoot people and they kill people, I don’t rule out anything”, he said.

Carson questioned why American planes aren’t doing more to strike oil tanker trucks in the region. Trump said. “We have become so politically correct that we don’t know what the hell we’re doing”. “We won’t cower in the face of evil”, Cruz states. On the Quinnipiac poll, Ben Carson has dropped to third place. “I do not worry about anyone, specifically”. “I think Trump’s language and perspective is a long-term negative in terms of building the party”. “Do people make mistakes sometimes when they’re speaking?”

Recently, Donald Trump said publicly that he should charge CNN $5-M to appear in the network’s next GOP candidates’ debate in Las Vegas on 15 December because his participation would guarantee high viewer ratings.

The audience was intensely partisan. From the economy to foreign policy, from immigration to ISIS, Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters far and away say they prefer Trump, in some cases by 30- and 40-percentage point margins.

In his speech, Cruz told those in the arena that the “left has their eyes closed to the reality, the dangers of this world”.

Cruz also rejected calls from the Obama administration and the Democratic presidential candidates for stricter gun-control laws.

“And by the way, by the way, if the people in Paris or the people in California, if you had a couple of folks in there with guns, and that knew how to use them, and they were in that room, you wouldn’t have dead people, the dead people would be the other guys”, he said.

“The reason this terror attack occurred is not that the federal government needs to see yet more private information from law-abiding citizens”, Cruz said. We’ll rebuild our military. We need to be protecting law-abiding citizens and targeting terrorists. The candidacy of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the son and brother of former presidents, has failed to catch fire.

At the Jewish Republican Coalition, Trump also parroted stereotypes of Jews, likening himself to many in the room by presenting himself as a good negotiator and the ultimate deal maker.

Dave Meggers, a farmer from Donahue, Iowa, was one of those in attendance at the event. Only 18 percent of college graduates, by contrast, said they would vote for Trump.

Trump, Meggers said, isn’t providing enough specific information, although he’s glad he’s in the race, for now.


“Stupidly, you want to give money”.

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