
Now in 2nd place in NH, Christie campaigning there again

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie came in third at 9 percent, but more than doubled his support after an endorsement from the New Hampshire Union Leader, the state’s largest newspaper, WMUR noted. & while the Republican contenders show a reasonably united front against new gun control measures, their potential New Hampshire constituents are rather more open on the difficulty.


According to the new poll from WBUR in Boston, Trump remains in first place with the support of 27% of likely Republican primary voters. Christie has all but staked his campaign on a strong showing in the Granite State. Marco Rubio (R-Florida), who had 11%, and Sen. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R), Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), and Sen. The order is based on a mix of five criteria: New Hampshire primary polls, the predicted aftermath of the Iowa caucuses, local campaign infrastructure and get-out-the-vote operations, campaign resources, and Globe reporting on the primary.

The results reinforce the findings of an earlier poll conducted by the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling, which last week found Christie at 10 percent and called him “the clear momentum candidate”.

Meanwhile, support for retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is in free-fall, registering just 6%, down 7 points from a WBUR poll in mid-November.

Some 57 percent said that illegal immigration posed a major threat, while 28 percent said it was a minor one.

The two candidates who gained more support than Christie’s 4 percentage points are the candidates he’s trailing.

Rubio was the top “second choice” candidate, taking 15 percent, while Christie received 11 percent.


WBUR’s poll was conducted among 402 likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire between Sunday, December 6 and Tuesday, December 8.

Credit WBUR