
White House hopefuls mark World AIDS Day

The virus that causes AIDS was identified less than 35 years ago but has left a lasting impact on hundreds of millions of people.


Barry says the number of new infections in New York State has been dropping since 2002. The National AIDS Trust (NAT) is challenging people to rethink negative stereotypes, forget old traditions and be positive about HIV.

In the effort to help countries implement the “treat all” recommendation, World Health Organization presents an additional set of recommendations on how to expand ART to all in a rapid, focused, and efficient manner.

City Councilman Corey Johnson (D-Manhattan), who is HIV positive, at the event said the city’s new funding aligns with Cuomo’s blueprint to fight the virus.

Too many South Africans are still being infected with HIV, said Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, commemorating World Aids Day which was held on Tuesday, December 1.

The department revealed that, to date, they have tested over 700 000 people for HIV and Aids since October this year. “We all know someone who has died because of AIDS, either because they were not educated on the disease or they just fell prey to peer pressure”.

For more than thirty years Doctor Peter Gulick has been studying HIV and AIDS.

For the whole of past year, 456 new cases of HIV/AIDS were reported, said the ministry. “If we diagnose people early we can prevent HIV from going into AIDS and keep health longer for periods of time”, Dr. Skiest said.

“Stigma sentences people living with HIV/AIDS to death as if there is no treatment that can increase their days on earth by many decades”.

Also at the start of 2015, 15 million people were receiving antiretroviral therapy compared to one million in 2001.


In 2014, YAP provided 289 free rapid HIV tests, which are accompanied by prevention counseling and referral to community partners.

Jackson County officials say HIV numbers have been steady in the past few years because of education and prevention