
Jon Stewart Surprised Stephen Colbert With A Terrible — But HIGHlarious

He said he’s stopped by to make a last-minute pitch to Congress which has a big vote coming up to re-authorize health benefits for first responders.


That’s when Stewart got down to business by bringing da Trump with a thick NY accent, wagging shoulders and wild gesticulations we’ve come to love about his classic impressions.

During his speech Stewart used words Trump commonly uses, such as “classy” and “fantastic”, and also urged viewers to tweet at their congressmen with the hashtag #WorstResponders.

Stewart leaved as the host of the late night show four months ago.

Jon Stewart, the host of the “Daily Show” for 16 years, and a quintessential late night presence was spotted on a few other hosts’ shows this week. It. Up. You have to employ ad hominem tactics and you have to be the loudest person in the room.

Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell is getting some added pressure from comedian Jon Stewart. Stewart goes the whole hog and captures Trump’s grandstanding gestures and brash delivery perfectly.

The Zadroga Act will be included in next week’s House omnibus bill. Colbert said of the footage.

Stewart has drawn attention to the legislation for first responders in a series of media appearances and Capitol Hill demonstrations.

Stay on topic – This helps keep the thread focused on the discussion at hand.


Ch-ch-check out the HIGHlarious impersonation (below) and let us know how you think did!

Jon Stewart appears on The Daily Show over Zardoga Act