
Cruz surges to the top of 2016 Republican heap in Iowa

The poll also found that the billionaire former reality television star of The Apprentice now leads the Republican presidential primary race with 36 percent support, or “20 percentage points higher than his closest challenger”.


In a new CNN/ORC poll, 36 percent of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents support Trump.

The Jewish donors gathered Thursday had two demands of the Republican presidential candidates who’d come to speak to them: unambiguous support for Israel and respect.

Realizing our poll was being done at a point while Carson was falling nationally in the polls… if the Republican primary were held today, Trump would win.

We are in December now, and the election is now less than eleven months away – the longer he stays at the top of the polls, the better the shot Trump has at actually being the GOP nominee! Other candidates failed to register support, while 2 percent said they had no opinion. Other candidates include New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and former businesswoman Carly Fiorina. A Quinnipiac University survey released earlier this week showed Trump rising by 3 points, to 27 percent, as Carson dropped by 7 points. Moving into fourth spot is the candidate that most of the Republican establishment love and that is the Sunshine Stares own junior Sen.

CNN/ORC should have picked up on the differences in the four polls that they’ve conducted over the past three months.

On immigration, an issue that has been a focal point of Mr Trump’s campaign, most Americans say the government should not attempt to deport all people living in the country illegally (63 per cent).

The real estate mogul is the Republican front-runner followed by another outsider, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

Sen. Marco Rubio is fourth at 12%.

For example, a central facet of Trumps plan for dealing with illegal immigration is the mass deportation of the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants now in the country. This is despite only 29% of Republicans overall supporting the idea to 44% who are against it. In fact supporters of all 13 of the other candidates are against this concept.

Looking at those Republicans who consider each issue to be “extremely important” to their vote, Trump’s standing on each issue is even stronger.


Meanwhile, Trump has a substantial lead among Republicans without college degrees, as 46 percent support the businessman. After that, Rubio checks in at just 15 percent, while Cruz and Carson flounder even further behind at 11 and 10 percent respectively.

A supporter of Donald Trump holds up a sign at a speech in Nashville earlier this year