
After closed-door criticism, Cruz tries to win Trump back

Thus, even popular Democratic presidents aren’t taken seriously by potential Republican voters when they pass judgment on GOP candidates (and visa versa).


In New Hampshire, home of the first primary on the presidential nominating calendar, Trump holds a commanding 18 percent lead over any other candidate in the GOP field.

“If Mr. Trump continues to say what he’s saying, I’d rather lose without him than try to win with him, because he’s in the process of destroying the party”, Graham told hosts Hillary Chabot and Tim Cahill during an appearance on Boston Herald Radio’s “Morning Meeting” program.

Trump also claimed he is evangelical and Christian, and while talking about Cruz and his religion, also brought up his ethnicity.

In turn, it is left to the rest of us to reject them outright so that Mr Trump’s outlandish comments do not increase the ill-founded fear of peaceful Muslims throughout the world.

The group, who previously declared war on ISIS after the Paris attacks, said Trump’s unsafe rhetoric is exactly what the terrorists want. He said not a lot of evangelicals come out of Cuba, where Cruz’s father was born.

His relationship with Cruz, who surpassed Trump in one Iowa poll this week, was of interest to one questioner, who wanted to know what Trump “intends to do” with Cruz if he should be president. “It is like if you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours, because if one of them wins, they will take care of the other one”.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, who has so far shied away from bashing his fellow candidates in the run-up to the November 2016 election, broke his silence and criticized leading candidate Donald Trump behind closed doors – much to the real estate mogul’s delight on Friday.

But the billionaire former reality TV host had refrained from attacked Cruz, even as the Texas senator has surged in opinion polls, becoming Trump’s most serious challenger in early-voting Iowa.

At the time of publication, there was no immediate response from Donald Trump’s campaign for comment.

The more his critics denounce him as a unsafe fascist, the harder Trump’s supporters dig in their heels. “I’m with everybody”, Trump said. “Who am I comfortable having their finger on the button? You’re probably going to say, I can’t stand the guy”.


He also played down a feud with GOP presidential rival Sen.

Republican presidential candidate businessman Donald Trump