
Trump lead among Republicans undiminished in first poll after Muslim comments

In the aftermath of attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris and in San Bernardino, California, Trump has called for monitoring mosques and barring Muslims from entering the United States. But as she told Seth Meyers during an appearance on NBC’s Late Night on Thursday, she’s not laughing anymore.


Trump is overwhelmingly viewed by Republican voters as decisive and competent.

The group has launched #OpTrump, and the video ends: ‘You have been warned, Mr Donald Trump.

Today, Clinton rarely ends her remarks without asking her audience to consider adding some “love and kindness” to their daily lives. I am thinking that if Donald Trump was president and enforced his desired ban, I would be prevented from returning to my home. The White House said the proposal “disqualified” Trump from the presidency.

The activist hacking group Anonymous has turned its attention to Republican frontrunner Donald Trump after taking issue with his recent proposal to ban Muslims from entering America.

Board members of the NEPBA approved the endorsement, saying that they were largely focused on Trump’s backing of police, with the Muslim comments only vaguely discussed, the Boston Globe reported. In a Democratic debate in the fall, she said she was proud to have made enemies of Republicans. I would imagine that someone who is hoping to become president of the U.S. doesn’t want to compete with an ignorant criminal-minded mullah of Pakistan who denounces people of other religions …

Regardless, whether Americans who favor Trump’s racism want to believe it or not, Muslims are the most vulnerable victims of Islamic extremism.

Combined, Trump and Cruz are at 46% in the polls, according to Real Clear Politics, and their followers like them for similar reasons.

Trump’s die-hard supporters – Who are the thousands of people standing behind their man, through thick and thin? The figure in the video also asks Trump to apologize to Mexicans. Marco Rubio 52 percent and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush 42.

“I do think we don’t have the right approach to it”, Ms Clinton said of political efforts to place restrictions on guns in the US.


The announcement was the latest financial blow to Trump following a statement he released Monday.

Donald Trump