
GOP candidate Ben Carson threatens to leave Republican Party

Trump’s support rises to 30 percent against the four top Republican candidates, NBC noted.


In fact following a speech in which Trump said he wanted to ban Muslims from entering the United States, people in the United Kingdom launched a petition that asked the government to ban Trump from entering their country.

“We all bear some responsibility for that”, she said.

That scenario would open the door to a “brokered” convention, where the establishment could coalesce around an alternative to Mr. Trump, the report said. “If I’m two votes short, I have a problem”.

“I no longer think he is amusing”, Clinton told Seth Meyers in an interview on “Late Night with Seth Meyers” on Thursday. Campaign aides also said privately that they were searching for how best to hit back at Mr Trump without dismissing the heightened feelings of insecurity that he was playing upon. Whether you’re right-wing or left-wing; care about the economy, foreign policy, or free speech; or just want a forward-looking politician, Hillary is just god-awful. “It sounds like he’s honest”.

She said Bill Clinton is “a great host” and “loves giving tours”, but “picking out flower arrangements, maybe not”. “How are we going to be prepared?'”

“I liked the idea that he could use him if he does become president”, explained Joni Norman who is now deciding if she should caucus for Trump, Cruz and Rubio.

Outside the rally, about a dozen Iowans gathered to protest Trump’s appearance in Iowa while one man briefly disrupted the rally inside the fairgrounds’ building.


Such a scenario would play out if none of the Republican candidates accumulate the necessary number of delegates in the state-based primaries by the time the GOP holds its national convention in mid-July. “It’s no surprise a candidate like this – who never went without health care – wants to repeal it and throw these people back into emergency rooms and clinics”, she said.
