
Why Beijing Declared Its First Ever “Red Alert” for Smog

Along with school closures and limiting cars to driving every other day depending on the last number of their licence plate, a raft of other restrictions will seek to reduce the amount of dust.


Everybody knows that spending one day locked in a room with a running diesel engine is healthier than one breath of air in Beijing, but it seems that the issue has reached new heights. The government did not issue the red alert in time and raised controversy. On Nov. 30, some parts of the city had air containing the poisonous particulate matter PM 2.5 at almost 40 times the limit the World Health Organization recommends.

There are many questions facing the first and highest alert since 2013 when Beijing adopted an emergency response program for air pollution.

Measurements of PM2.5, the harmful microscopic particles in smog, are above 300, according to the real-time air quality monitor at the USA embassy in Beijing.

Jia doesn’t wear face masks, but says the pollution has brought her respiratory issues.

Beijing will add 21,000 to 25,000 buses, including 8,182 clean-energy buses, to the roads from today, officials said.

“It is a sharp warning to us that we may have too much development at the price of environment and it is time for us to seriously deal with air pollution”, said Fan, the hotel employee.

Kindergartens, primary and high schools were advised to suspend classes, however, some teachers still went to school to support students who had chosen to courageous the poor air and attend class.

You’ve probably heard that they have a serious air quality problem in Beijing, China.

I’ll keep that mask on, I think.

The China red smog alert takes place as China, considered to be the world’s largest polluter, participates in the Paris Summit where action on carbon emissions were agreed upon.


China’s greenhouse gas emissions mostly come from coal-burning power plants which produce about 60 percent of its electricity and much of its heating. However, those had been forecast to last three days or less, so they did not trigger a red alert.

Beijing Suspends Schools, Restricts Cars on Pollution Red Alert