
Trump fires back at Cruz

Ted Cruz has soared ahead of Donald Trump in a new Iowa poll, opening up a 10-point lead in the critical first-in-the-nation voting state. I hope so, he will fall like all others. “The headline says he attacked Trump”, Frazier wrote.


Trump’s criticism of Cruz on ethanol echoes that of America’s Renewable Future, an advocacy group in Iowa that has been hammering Cruz for his opposition to the Renewable Fuel Standard. In the latest Economist/YouGov Poll, Carson has been surpassed in the horserace by not just one, but two elected Republicans: Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

The Times had already released audio of his fundraiser remarks at that point, however, affirming its earlier reporting.

Alluding to reports that Cruz and his advisers believe he can win the White House by boosting enthusiasm and turnout exclusively among the conservative base, Bonjean said, “If Cruz would follow through on his promise not to court the middle, we would lose the general election”. The fact that Cruz didn’t “come out of Cuba” (Cruz was born in Canada) only serves to underscore the racist taint that Trump is trying to cast onto Cruz. Sorry to disappoint – @realDonaldTrump is terrific.

Perkins, who heads the Family Research Council, sits at the top of a pair of sprawling social conservative networks, the Conservative Action Project and the Council for National Policy, that are the hidden hub of the forces looking to push the Republican Party further right. Cruz was quoted in The New York Times by two sources as having said, “Who am I comfortable having their finger on the button?” Now that’s a question of strength, but it’s also a question of judgment.

“Both of them I like and respect”, Cruz told about 70 supporters. He’s repeatedly criticised the Affordable Healthcare Act, and markets himself as a Republican with conservative and Christian values who would be tough on terrorism.

“He’s got to come a long way because he’s right now for the oil”, Trump said at a rally in Des Moines. Trump asked the Des Moines crowd, drawing cheers and noting Cruz’s rise in Iowa polls. Cruz would look much better in a head-to-head race against Trump for the nomination, even to center-righties who otherwise don’t like, than he would against Rubio.

Trump also took a veiled shot at Cruz’s family background. “I mean, everything I say he agrees with me, no matter what I say”, Trump started. “The worst. They’re very dishonest”, Trump said.

Cruz’ December polling average is 15 percent in SC, while Carson sits at 14.5 percent, and Rubio is averaging 12.5 percent. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) religious beliefs at a Friday-night campaign rally. A Fox News survey of South Carolina Republicans found an 8 percent increase in support for Trump following those comments.

Yes, if he winds up one-on-one against Trump, a lot of mainstream conservatives may move in his direction.

People close to Trump’s campaign have said the relationship has been driven by Cruz.

But Trump, now that his political soulmate poses a threat, had no such qualms.

“If Ted Cruz is against ethanol, how does he win Iowa?”


“I think he’s the only one who can make things great again”, Solberg said.

Trump Fires Opening Salvo At Rising Rival Cruz