
Did US presidential candidate Ted Cruz suggest he would nuke Daesh targets?

Trump also has long questioned President Obama’s origins, alleging he was born in Kenya rather than in his actual birthplace of Hawaii. Ted Cruz has studiously avoided conflict with the combative frontrunner Donald Trump. This strategy allows him to both appeal to Trump’s wide base of supporters and to deflect the withering takedowns Trump is known to direct towards his critics. While other candidates in this race have have gone out of their way to throw rocks at him, to insult him, I have consistently declined to do so and I have no intention of changing that now. “My approach to Trump has been the same as my approach to every other Republican candidate, which is I’m not interested in personal insults and mudslinging”.


“I don’t believe Donald Trump is going to be our nominee”. THE WEEKLY STANDARD has asked the Cruz campaign to explain but has not yet received a response.

MASTERS: Trump also went after Cruz’s opposition to ethanol subsidies, which are popular in the state. Donald Trump – you’ve heard the name – continues to lead the Republican polls and stir up controversy, most recently by his call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States following terror attacks in Paris and Southern California.

“If Ted Cruz is against ethanol, how does he win in Iowa? Don’t trust Des Moines Register poll – biased towards Trump!” he tweeted.

On Thursday night, Trump’s campaign began responding.

“I recognize that a great many folks in the media would prefer that anyone running for president engage as an ongoing theater critic, criticizing the proposals of others”, Cruz said at a press conference Tuesday. He certainly loses if any of the social conservative factional candidates stay in and run well; and he probably loses a three-candidate contest with Trump and Rubio, Bush, Kasich or Christie.

Trump said he likes Cruz but wondered how he wins Iowa with positions that are “anti-Iowa” on ethanol, noting, “he’s got to be with oil” as a Texas senator.

In a shock to absolutely no one except for maybe Mike Huckabee, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has secured an endorsement from the National Organization for Marriage. But the audio of Cruz’s remarks was leaked Friday. In the latest Economist/YouGov Poll, Carson has been surpassed in the horserace by not just one, but two elected Republicans: Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

The Donald Trump phenomenon has exposed many an uncomfortable truth about America in 2015, including the degree to which his message of white resentment and nativist exclusion sells like hotcakes to Republican voters and beyond.

“Cruz has been working on an important factor in Iowa, which is the evangelicals, and he has an enormous ground game there”, O’Sullivan said.

Earlier this week, a Monmouth University poll of Iowa voters showed Cruz slightly ahead of Trump, though another poll released later the same day put Trump ahead.


Trump’s supporters seem to be immune to criticism of their candidate, the Washington Post reported, after focus group participants remained unmoved by a litany of possible attack ads. “I promise you”, Trump said.

Ted Cruz