
World AIDS Day marked by red scarves around province

South Africa- 1 December is World Aids day.


Which is why this global day was created.

Idoko said the day was being marked since 1988 to sensitise people about HIV and give hope to those living with the virus. “It’s important to stop the stigma”, Vick said.

‘We remember those who we have lost to HIV/AIDS, celebrate the triumphs earned through the efforts of scores of advocates and providers, pledge our support for those at risk for or living with HIV, and rededicate our talents and efforts to achieving our goal of an AIDS-free generation’. The administration of the day did not roll out some such ARVs drugs, as it seemed the administration of President Mbeki was in denial about Hiv/ Aids issue as the then Minister of Health was insisting that Hiv/Aids patients must eat beetroot and garlic.

John said that so much work is still pending which is to be done.

Government data released Tuesday showed that India recorded 86,000 new HIV infections in 2015, compared to 128,000 in 2007, but the rate of decline has slowed.

These recommendations include using innovative testing approaches such as community or self-testing to help increase the number of people who know their HIV status and starting treatment faster in those people who are diagnosed with HIV.


Obama states that HIV still affects specific populations disproportionately across the US including gay and bisexual men, Black women and men, Latinos and Latinas, people who inject drugs, transgender women, young people, and people in the Southern US. He said anyone who thinks they might have been exposed to HIV should get tested.

South Africa and Aids-HIV public health sector rolling out free ARVS