
Donald Trump Says He Has ‘Far Better Judgment’ Than Ted Cruz

Although Trump gets all the attention for his over-the-top statements, Cruz has staked out a position on the far right on virtually every major hot-button issue, including immigration, Obamacare, national security and the fight against the Islamic State militant group. I’m not excited when they were down. According to the results of a Des Moines Register/Bloomberg News poll released Saturday, Cruz has gained 21 points since October and now leads Trump 31 percent to 21 percent in Iowa.


“I didn’t do it for polls, so I don’t care what the polls say …” But then Senator Ted Cruz went ahead in polling in the all-important early state of Iowa.

Cruz, for his part, has largely steered clear of criticizing Trump in public. Bernie Sanders and, the 57-year-old who opened fire at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs and killed three people. Without a breakout performance by one of those alternatives to Trump in New Hampshire along the lines of Cruz’s in Iowa, Trump could win there and seize a “comeback narrative”-a possibility likely keeping Republican party leaders up at night”.

WERTHEIMER: So now before we get into Trump and his ups and downs, let’s talk about what President Obama said about the climate agreement.

On Wednesday, the National Organization for Marriage and conservative Richard Viguerie also endorsed Cruz.

Ted Cruz is soaring in Iowa. “I mean, I can say anything, and he said, ‘I agree, I agree.’ But I think the time will come to an end pretty soon, it sounds like”. That came after Trump has called for banning all Muslims from entering the country. “Do you know how to use the people around you?”

In 2013, Cruz called for a dramatic expansion in the number of visas for high-tech workers from overseas, saying it would “create new jobs”; last month, he said he opposes any expansion for fear that foreign workers might take jobs away from Americans.

WERTHEIMER: Do you think that this beginning to move, switch around kind of stuff started happening because Republicans in Congress pushed back?

Trump warned his fans that it’s not enough for him to win some primaries – he needs to lock down as many delegates as possible, otherwise the GOP establishment might try to nominate someone else at the convention. “If it’s that way, they are going to have problems, but I hope it’s not going to be that way”.

I don’t think he’s qualified to be president…

I know, I know, this isn’t actually a sign of concern for the campaign in Iowa – but it was too memorable of an exchange to not include. “I’m a Christian. I’m a Presbyterian”, Trump said.

Trump also praised his “strong temperament”.

Who cares how candidates are doing in Iowa?


Cruz is emerging rapidly as the favorite in Iowa’s caucuses.

Cruz Vaults to Lead Among Republican Candidates in Iowa Poll