
Hillary Clinton no Longer Finds Donald Trump Funny

Trump’s lead in the Palmetto State is pretty much across-the-board, said Scott Huffmon, director of the Winthrop Poll.


Trump’s outrageous demand has been roundly condemned by almost all presidential candidates, both Republican and Democrat, as well as the White House.

A solid majority of Americans disagree with Donald Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the US, according to a new poll – though a majority of Republicans agree with him.

Hillary Clinton has a message for Donald Trump after he publicly stated that we need to close our borders to all Muslims.

His most contentious comments saw him call for an outright ban on Muslims entering the US.

The prime minister meets with all United States presidential candidates when they visit Israel, and he expected to receive Trump upon his arrival.

Israeli lawmakers had objected to Trump’s visit because of his proposal to bar the entry of Muslims into the U.S. Netanyahu’s office indicated that he also opposed the idea.

In the statement, Netanyahu’s office said Israel “respects all religions and strictly guarantees the rights of all its citizens”. Twenty-nine percent of Republicans said they found Trump’s remarks offensive; 64 percent did not.

“I know why you’re not going to support me”.

“I think for weeks, you know, you and everybody else were just bringing folks to hysterical laughter and all of that”, Clinton said on the TV show Late Night with Seth Myers. “You want to control your own politician”.


Less than half of Americans (44 percent) also believe another terror attack in the country is very likely within the next few months.

Man giving thumbs