
My Muslim friends don’t support my immigration ban

This temporary proposition was endorsed by Trump until the leaders of United States are able to “figure out what is going on”, specifically pointing to the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California.


Trump’s proposed ban would apply to immigrants and visitors alike, a sweeping prohibition affecting adherents of a religion practiced by more than a billion people worldwide. “We’re a country that loves one another, no matter what the race”.

In a tweet late on Friday, Saudi billionaire and moderate Muslim Prince Alwaleed bin Talal called Mr Trump a disgrace to the USA and demanded that he pull out of the race. Senator Marco Rubio, supported by Florida stands at 9%.

And in a New York Times/CBS poll taken mostly before the real-estate mogul’s comments, Trump garnered 35% support among Republican voters across the country.

“Indeed, much of (Trump’s) support comes from people who normally don’t participate in Republican primaries and caucuses”, Pitney said. “The Beatles didn’t invent teenagers, but they played to that audience”.

American mainstream corporate media might be unduly stressing Fear of Terrorism as the major factor or key reason in the makeup of Donald Trump’s political constituency.

Fee, a Republican, said she supports Trump and agreed with his proposal to bar Muslims. “He modestly condemned [the statements], and I thought it was sort of inappropriate that he condemned them, but that’s OK”. No other Republican candidate gets more than 3 percent.

“How do you tell the Bahraini pilots that fly, the Saudi pilots that fly and the Emirati pilots ‘You’re good enough to fight against ISIL, but you’re not good enough to come to the United States?’ Huge mistake”, Burr said.

“But without the ban, you’re not going to make the point”.

Congratulations to both Carson and Trump for bucking the party leadership and causing them so many headaches. One sign declared Trump to be “America’s Hitler”, and several protesters taped gold Stars of David on their winter coats as Jews in Germany once did.

[Image via Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images]The new poll’s split over Muslim believers may be true statistically, but this disagreement has been shown to take odd shapes and forms.

Travers says Trump began by calling for an all-out ban as a negotiating strategy, not because that’s what he wanted.

“If the leaders of the Republican Party want to destroy the party, they should continue to hold meetings like the one described in the Washington Post this morning”, Carson said in a statement.

But should world leaders treat the movement of human beings in and out of a country like details of a real estate contract?

Trump is not the first to express banning of travels to the U.S. soils. He will either have to accept the logic of exiting politics in a graceful, or even narcissistic, Trump manner… or seriously bet all his chips – money and brand – in the founding of an American populist movement, perhaps a stars-and-stripes’ version of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s Front National (in France).

Trump’s statement was by far the most dramatic response of a USA presidential candidate to last week’s shooting spree in California by a married couple whom the Federal Bureau of Investigation later said had become Islamist militants some time ago.


“I’m very sensitive to, you know, the narrative that Carson doesn’t know anything about foreign policy”, Carson admitted Tuesday to an audience of more than 1,000 supporters in Atlanta.

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz speaks at the Republican debate in Milwaukee Wisconsin