
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Premieres Today in LA

Much of the excitement swirling around Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens – the latest addition to the seminal film franchise – centers on the details of the plot.


Today is a day of celebration for Star Wars. Han and Chewie will be spinning tunes from a Galaxy Far Away, Imperial measures have been taken to keep you refreshed, and there are prizes for the most impressive costumes.

Ever since 1977, when “Star Wars” introduced the world to The Force, Jedi knights, Darth Vader, Wookiees and clever droids R2-D2 and C3PO, the sci-fi saga has built a devoted global fan base that spans the generations. According to Daniel Reiser, the instructor at New York Jedi, the secret is to know how to handle your weapon.

The last “Star Wars” film came out a decade ago – the final chapter in a prequel trilogy that was less well-received than the original three films from 1977 to 1983.

Director J.J. Abrams had the awesome task of taking the intergalactic tale created by George Lucas forward while trying to meet the high expectations of fans. “There are female voices and energy throughout”. “I think it means they will be experiencing a Star Wars that is more a reflection of a world they live in – which is exciting – where women do play important roles”, she said, “… and can get down with the boys!”

Trailers to promote the film highlight Rey’s prominence. “Force Awakens” stars appeared in interviews that aired during Disney Channel shows.

New Yorkers are known for insane workouts.

For those without tickets to the premiere, the most they could see was the outside of the tent. “It sells the characters”.

Perhaps one of the earliest hints that women are piloting this new Star Wars mission happened a few months ago when the official Star Wars Facebook account replied to a commenter who lamented that it was too hard to tell that Captain Phasma’s battle regalia was “female armor”. A National Retail Federation survey found, for the first time, that “Star Wars” toys ranked among the top 10 that parents would buy for girls this holiday shopping season.

“Even Princess Leia, who was always pivotal and always central, she was not Luke Skywalker”, Cardwell said.


Abrams, who has previously directed two Star Trek movies and an instalment in the Mission Impossible franchise, said he was not looking to put his own mark on the Star Wars film, but instead wanted to honour the story. “Rey feels like she is the new focal point”.

The film releases in India on 25 December