
Let’s Defund The Chicago Police, Says Youth Leader

In this photo taken Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel speaks during a special City Council meeting that he called to discuss a police abuse scandal in Chicago.


However, Obama has not spoken recently with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, his former White House chief of staff, Earnest said in a press briefing last week.

The Justice Department will begin a far-ranging investigation into the patterns and practices of the Chicago Police Department, part of the continuing fallout over a video released last month showing the police shooting of Laquan McDonald, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced Monday. Family members are also expected to demand more change from inside the Chicago Police Department and call for city, state and federal resources to be invested into the West Side community of Lawndale to benefit struggling residents.

A new study reveals that a mass majority of Latinos living in Chicago approve of the city’s police department, but strongly disapprove of Mayor Rahm Emanuel in wake of public outrage over the police shooting Laquan McDonald.

Chicago officials fought the release of the video, arguing that it could interfere with any resulting court case.

Pastor Hunter asserted that Mr. McDonald was a victim of overkill for no other reason than because he was black and that across the country are those who face police terror because they, too, have black skin and are impoverished. During the performance he acknowledged Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke, who was charged with first-degree murder in the fatal shooting of McDonald.

The city agreed to a $5 million settlement with McDonald’s family earlier this year without a lawsuit being filed.

High-profile killings of black men by law enforcement in USA cities have stirred a national debate about the use of force by police, particularly against racial minorities.

Emanuel has taken steps to reform the police, including setting up a task force to review accountability and a nationwide search for a new police superintendent.

Protesters also want a new policy instituted within CPD when it comes to police involved shootings. Emanuel apologized in recent days that the incident occurred under his administration.


Prosecutors chose to charge Van Dyke because he was not facing an immediate threat from McDonald, and because he continued to fire at the teen as he lay on the ground after being shot.

Credit MGN Online                                            Chicago protesters continue to target Rahm Emanuel Anita Alverez