
Donald Trump Hits 41 % Support & Widest Lead Still in New National Poll

Donald Trump will be front and center during the first Republican presidential debate since his declaration that Muslims should not be allowed to enter the U.S. CNN announced the line-up for the debate on Sunday.


Ted Cruz leading Donald Trump in Iowa, but a new national poll has Cruz closing in on Trump nationally, now only trailing him by five points.

Among Democratic candidates, 56 percent would vote for Clinton for president.

In the highly respected Monmouth University survey released this morning and conducted his between December 10 and December 13 Trump now is at 41 percent support.

More than any of his rivals, Cruz has steered clear of public fights with Trump, or as Wilson described it, Cruz has been “like a pilotfish to Trump’s very large white shark”.

Nationwide, Trump is faring well in the polls.

And the Texas senator surged into second place nationally in the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. Ted Cruz emerging to challenge Donald Trump for front-runner status. “I mean, he’s been calling them stupid, he’s been calling them incompetent, he’s been saying you can’t get anything done with these people”.

CORDES: And he went after his sometimes-ally Ted Cruz, after promising for weeks he wouldn’t.

Trump managed to garner 21 percent of the votes in the same poll. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) at 10 percent and Ben Carson at 9 percent. “And instead of learning those lessons, you have candidates like Cruz and Trump who are doing the exact opposite”.

Unlike the other Republicans seeking their party’s nomination for the November 2016 presidential election, the USA senator from Texas has embraced Trump and avoided publicly criticizing the popular candidate.

“Look at the way he’s dealt with the Senate, where he goes in there like – you know, frankly like a little bit of a maniac”.

But Cruz, while eager to draw a distinction between himself and Trump, may be careful not to antagonize him, according to experts.


Gov. Christie will be on the main debate stage, after a turn last month in the “undercard” debate, and will seek to capitalize on recent momentum, particularly in New Hampshire, which holds the first primary a week after Iowa inaugurates the nomination contest with its caucuses. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was at 6 percent, a 1-percentage-point increase from October.

Donald Trump Just Posted His Most Massive Lead Yet