
This new Pokemon is a fire and water type

The developer has yet to announce how it can be obtained. Now, The Pokemon Channel has released official footage for Volcanion, the last of the three leaked characters.


Nearly two years ago, a Pokemon X and Y hacker discovered three secret, unobtainable Pokemon for the game. Volcanion had been sighted way back in 2013, alongside Diancie and Hoopa, which have both been officially released. No. But a new hybrid Fire and Water type Pokemon might be coming to the unannounced but highly anticipated game.

“The power is said to be great enough to blow away an entire mountain, gouging out the earth and changing the shape of the land”, the description added.


Volcanion will not only be debuting in the “Pokemon” game. Trusted Pokemon source Serebii reported that Volcanion will also be featured in the upcoming CoroCoro. The new Pokemon is strong against bug, ground, steel and ice types and its special moves are scald, steam eruption and weather ball. In 2016, the Mythical Pokemon will make an appearance in the “Pokemon” movie and will be distributed worldwide. It will have the Water Absorb ability which allows it to not take any damage from Water-type attacks and instead replenishes HP.

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