
The Real Jesus Looked Nothing Like You Think

There is still no definitive answer of what Jesus may have looked like. He found three skulls from Israeli archaeological sites and used computerised tomography to construct the best shape for Jesus’s face.


According to The Daily Mail and Yahoo News, Richard Neave of the University of Manchester studied the skulls of first-century Jewish men, and re-imagined the Christian messiah as having a tanned complexion, wider facial features, hazel-colored eyes and short, dark curly hair.

It was made by a medical artist who was trying to determine what Jesus Christ would look like.

Is this the face of Jesus?

These features would likely have been typical of Middle Eastern Jews in the Galilee area of northern Israel. And they have managed to do this as a result of forensic anthropology, which uses methods similar to those police have developed to solve crimes.

While the image has only recently started trending on social media, likely due to the fact that this is the Christmas season, Dr. Neave’s image of Jesus was actually first published back on January 23 by Popular Mechanics, along with an explanation of how the portrait came to be. It was written that when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, he needed to point him out directly to the Roman soldiers, as opposed to simply describing him, which alludes to Jesus looking like most other Semitic men of that time.

Could it be?… a computer-generated image of the “real” Jesus Christ.

But they also concluded through thorough research of the Bible, he would not have had the long hair so often depicted, but instead, short tight curls.

What do you think of the reconstructed face of Jesus?


It is hypothesized that the Letter of Lentulus is partially responsible for the Eurocentric depiction Western society has adopted of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ's REAL Face Has Been Discovered – British Scientists Claim