
Donald Trump ban on Muslims ‘endangers national security’: John Kerry

The above is how I imagine the Islamic State’s leadership (Da’esh or ISIS) responded to Donald Trump’s latest remarks calling for a ban upon all Muslims’ entry to the United States.


The question we should be discussing is whether current levels of immigration – both Muslim and non-Muslim immigration – are compatible with genuine cultural assimilation, broad-based economic prosperity, and USA national-security interests.

“The hateful proposals of the rest of the Republican presidential field are just as outrageous as Trump’s”, the group said in a statement.

Donald Trump was asked on Sunday about his reaction to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rejection of Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigration into the U.S., were he to win the race for the presidency.

“He defies every assumption that was laid out”, Luntz said.

“Being compared to Hitler is how you know you’ve reached the apex”, said Gary Hopper, 58, of Bedford, New Hampshire. “Here they have a guy running for president who is waging war against Islam, ‘” Kerry said, adding that they give extremists recruitment tools.

Holcombe said she doesn’t have a problem applying a religious test to visitors, immigrants and refugees. “You know who it is”.

The anti-Muslims statements made by Republican Party front-runner did cause quite a stir to say the least. “One’s even an atheist”.

“It says to these in Islam who’re making an attempt to take advantage of individuals and recruit overseas fighters and in any other case, it says look, take a look at America”.

But Wendy Schiller, a political scientist at Brown University, said corporations are probably engaged in a risk assessment, measuring Trump’s following within their clientele and wagering that he could still end up irrelevant. “So I think there are some people who are hoping perhaps ignoring him will”. “But there’s certainly a better way to say it”.

“There is no indication at this point as to whether Anonymous plans further actions as part of its #OpTrump exercise, though Twitter is now loaded with warnings like the one seen here, which shows Trump’s face photoshopped onto the body of Nazi official and declares, “#OpTrump is on”.

Still, Montplaisir is sticking with Trump and plans to vote for him when New Hampshire holds the first primary of the campaign in a few weeks.


“Under the circumstances, I think it’s a good idea”.

Jeb Bush