
“Talking Shop with Bernie Sanders”: Watch Killer Mike’s full 6-part interview

Fans of Killer Mike know that he’s no stranger to political advocacy and social revolution, whether evidenced through his music as a solo artist and with hip-hop supergroup Run the Jewels or through the microphone of social media.


The conversation took place at Killer Mike’s SWAG Shop barbershop in Atlanta. While he is a democratic socialist in favor of free health care and free education for all Americans, he doesn’t have a problem with people making money. “And some dignity as a result of that”.

The political headlines may be dominated by a cartoon villain come to life, but there are other, saner voices involved in the 2016 race-among them Bernie Sanders, who speaks with a sincerity that is hard to find elsewhere on the trail.

“I have said in many a rap, I don’t trust the church or the government, a Democrat, Republican, a pope, a bishop or those other men”, the rapper said.

“I didn’t get into politics to figure how I could become President or a senator. We have more people in jail than any country on earth – if you don’t see the correlation, you’re missing a very important point”. But in his interview with Killer Mike, he went further than he usually goes, casting him as someone using “the oldest story in the book” of pitting one group of people against another. We can do infinitely better in providing rights to our people.

Mike and Sanders broadly agreed on marijuana legalization and economic rights; they also, as the Daily Beast pointed out, sparred politely and substantively over the right to own assault weapons.

Rowe was moved to reply when Democratic presidential candidate Sen.

“As a paying college student, going to school is so expensive”, she said. Go to U.K. Everybody has health care.


Mike and Sanders have been seen together on numerous occasions over the last month. [Those Mexican immigrants] they’re criminals and they’re rapists, we gotta keep ’em out.’… “I just don’t like Wayne LaPierre”.

Killer Mike Bernie Sanders