
What Republican presidential hopefuls said about China at the 5th GOP debate

It was a setback for his campaign because the debate focused on national security.


“That makes me absolutely certain I’m right if the secretary of state thinks that”, Christie said.

“If we announce that we’re going to have a no-fly zone… it’s a recipe for disaster”, said Paul.

In the limited time he did get in Las Vegas he repeatedly mentioned his role as the U.S. Attorney in New Jersey immediately following the September 11, 2001 attacks. “When something doesn’t work in New Jersey they look at me”.

Those comments echoed his fear-mongering remarks from Tuesday’s CNN debate, in which he also blamed Obama for the shutdown of the Los Angeles Unified School District on Tuesday.

“If your eyes are glazed over like mine, this is what it is like to be on the floor of the United States Senate”, Christie said, after Texas Sen. “But also what he said last night should scare Americans to death”.

“The fact is Russia’s been stealing our lunch money the entire time from the Obama administration”, Christie said Wednesday on “CBS This Morning”. “Here’s the thing – my goodness, what we want in a leader is someone with judgement, not someone who is so reckless as to stand on the stage and say ‘I’m jumping up and down”.

“When we think about the judgment of someone who might want World War III, we might think about someone who might shut down a bridge because they don’t like their friends”, Paul said.


Rand Paul went on the attack against Chris Christie at tonight’s CNN debate by calling him the candidate for World War III and even invoking Bridgegate. And if you think that a no-fly zone is a reckless policy, you’re welcome to your opinion, but how is it working so far as we have 250,000 Syrians murdered and millions running around the world running for their lives. He said FBI Director James Comey had made clear that the refugees could not be adequately vetted, and thus, security concerns demanded that their entry be halted.

LAS VEGAS NV- DECEMBER 15 Republican presidential candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaks during the CNN Republican presidential debate