
Jupiter’s Twin Discovered In Constellation Cetus

Inspite of the fact that, various planets similar to Jupiter have been discovered earlier, but this new planet discovery is the most precise cognate yet discovered for Jupiter and Sunday.


It is rare to find a Jupiter-like planet at such a distance from its central Sunday. The HIP11915 system is centered on a star about 200 light years away from us that has a similar mass, age, temperature, and chemical composition to the Sunday.

This massive exoplanet however, is not just nearly the same size as Jupiter but it is also orbiting within the same distance from its parent star as Earth to the Sunday.

The HIP 11915 has a Jupiter-like planet that orbits from its star at a distance similar to our own Jupiter.

The researchers noted follow-up observations are needed to confirm the finding, but HIP 11915 is one of the most promising candidates for a solar system similar to the one we live in. The location of the star HIP 11915 is marked with a red circle.

A team from the ESO (the European Southern Observatory) led an experiment in Chile, at La Silla Observatory using its very powerful super-telescope.

This implies that the presence of a Jupiter twin in a system with a Sun twin could indicate favorable conditions for an Earth-like planet to develop in the same system.

The discovery has people excited we could be one step closer to finding alien life. According to current theories, the formation of Jupiter-mass planets plays an important role in shaping the architecture of planetary systems. That’s because such gas giants are often found much closer in.

“Jupiter is a planet that is crucial to understanding planetary formation”.

“The hunt for an Earth more than 2.0, along with a full Solar System 4.0, is a interesting tries in astronomy”, said Jorge Melendez, from Universidade er São Paulo, Brazil and show awesome way the investigation. Thanks to the ESO’s (European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere) observational facilities, the team was able to carry out this cutting edge research, according to CNet. “This discovery is, in every respect, an exciting sign that other solar systems may be out there waiting to be discovered”.


According to Megan Bedell from the University of Chicago, after 20 years of hunting for exoplanets, gas giant planets are slowly emerging into existence that are strikingly similar to our own solar system, courtesy of advanced technology such as the HARPS instrument.

Jupiter Twin Found Orbiting Sun Twin