
Trump backers baffled by criticism of call for ban on Muslims

Engagement is particularly high among Republicans, which is unsurprising given Donald Trump’s frontrunner status, the vast field of candidates, and the uncertainty surrounding the party’s eventual choice for nominee.


“ISIS is using the Internet better than we are using the Internet, and it was our idea”, Trump said.

“Candidates for president are calling immigrants drug-runners and rapists”, Clinton said, referencing Trump’s comments from June. The deportation message is a reference to Trump’s punitive anti-immigration stances, and is targeted to a state that is heavily Hispanic.

“They promise if elected to round and deport millions of people, build a mammoth wall, militarize the border, tear families apart”, said Clinton.

While a majority of Americans oppose Mr. Trump’s ban, it is clear that terrorism has become the biggest issue among voters since the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Calif., and Paris.

She did not explicitly name the developer, whose donations and praise she has received over the years, and whose wedding she attended in 2005.

“But they don’t support the ban?” the anchorman asked. If it doesn’t, wouldn’t you like to know that as well?

At Monday’s event, Clinton announced that she would expand waivers to exempt people from the “naturalization fee”, a 5 application fee that many advocates say prevents some lower- and working-class immigrants from becoming citizens.

“I think it’s got a huge downside in terms of American foreign policy and I hear this from foreign ministers and others as I travel and engage with people in various countries”, he said on CBS.

The 2016 presidential campaign is drawing historic levels of engagement, with almost three-quarters of Americans saying they’ve given a lot or some thought to the candidates, according to a new survey from Pew Research. The former first lady would also win more female voters by a 7 point lead. A second outburst drew attention to her support for the North American Free Trade Agreement during her husband’s presidency, which the protester claimed had devastated Central America.

After noting that no major Republican candidates support comprehensive immigration reform efforts, Clinton criticized Sen.


Disclosure: Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is publisher of Observer Media.

AIKEN SC- DECEMBER 12 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to the crowd at a town hall meeting