
Slain Teen’s Family Calls for ‘Federal Summit on

Protesters allege a cover-up and have called for the resignation of Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez.


Several prominent Chicago pastors have rejected Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s “olive branch of peace” and are demanding that his administration release yet another video in which a white police officer fatally shot a black teenager.

Dashcam video was released late last month showing McDonald being shot 16 times while apparently walking away from police during an incident on October 20, 2014.

Demonstrators stage a die-in in front of City Hall during march through downtown Chicago, calling for the resignation of Mayor Emanuel. Hunter is the great-uncle of McDonald. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice opens a sweeping probe of Chicago Police Department patterns and practices going back decades.

An attorney for the family of a black teenager killed by a Chicago police officer says they agreed not to release video of the shooting unless the officer wasn’t charged.

Not long after his killing, city officials negotiated a $5 million settlement with McDonald’s family.

The family has stayed largely out of the spotlight since the video was released November 24, but about a dozen of them stood behind Hunter. Acting on a judge’s order, the city released it just hours after Alvarez announced charges against the officer. Hunter also told the crowd he believes there are “thousands of Laquan McDonalds”.

The Department of Justice is investigating the circumstances of the shooting, as well as the police department as a whole. Emanuel apologized this week.

But indignation has mounted over the McDonald shooting and police misconduct overall. But protests have continued. For the protection of AP and its licensors, content may not be copied, altered orredistributed in any form.

At times, they chanted “16 and a cover-up!”

When asked if Emanuel should step down, as some protesters have demanded, Carson said: “I think that’s a decision for the people here in Chicago”. “And here’s why: Anita Alvarez has forfeited the moral high ground, and she’s lost the trust of the people of the county of Cook and the city of Chicago, and so the right thing for her to do is to resign”.


On Tuesday, the new head of the review board said she was reopening the investigation into Coleman’s case.

Michael D. Robbins center attorney for the family Laquan McDonald speaks at a news conference Friday Dec. 11 2015 in Chicago. The family of McDonald