
Follow the GOP debate live with the Houston Chronicle

CNN lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer, who will moderate the debate, said in an interview on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” on Sunday that the focus will be on “national security, the war on terrorism, global affairs”. It will also be a large debate stage according to CNN with nine candidates making the cut. It is being held at The Venetian in Las Vegas.


March: This pending debate will be sponsored by Fox News but has no official date, time or location.

Recent polling both nationally and in Iowa has shown Carson slipping, most recently down to 9 percent in Monday’s Monmouth University poll – the first time he has been in the single digits since mid-August.

Along with Christie, Fiorina and Kasich qualified for the primetime debate due to their New Hampshire average.

When: The prime-time debate with top candidates will be at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time.

Businessman Donald J. Trump, the front-runner in the race for the nomination, will be at the center of the stage. I don’t expect much out of Trump vs. Cruz. “But if you go back and you study the design of our country, it’s really designed for the citizen statesman”.


Be sure to join KFYO and the Lubbock County Republican Party for the Debate Watch Party at Premier Cinemas tonight.

Republican candidates in Las Vegas for Tuesday's debate — LIVE BLOG