
John Boyega and Daisy Ridley chatted about EastEnders during Star Wars shoot

The much-anticipated “Star Wars” movie comes out tomorrow night and movie theaters are preparing for huge crowds.


Both Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) and Han Solo (Harrison Ford) return in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Harrison, said “it feels good” to be back, adding that he hopes the fans “enjoy the movie”.

“I really appreciate that they have such an intense emotional interest in the film, it means a lot to me”.

John Boyega, one of the new stars of Episode VII said he was overwhelmed to bring the film to London. Explaining her excitement at the movie’s premiere she said: “It’s particularly special because I’m from London; it’s good to be home”. “It’s like coming home to an event we’ve done for the last 40 years, but this was the biggest by far”.

Fellow Briton Simon Pegg, who has a cameo role in the new Star Wars film and plays Scotty in the rebooted Star Trek movies, said he believed any rivalry between the two series was a “myth”. “I don’t think you need to pick”, he said. We’ll see you in the very, very long queue.

“I’m a Londoner. And I’m in Star Wars!”, bellowed John Boyega. The official Star Wars website provides links for finding tickets at movie theaters around the world. Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker, said he was overwhelmed.

They were followed by droids R2-D2 and C-3PO, who ambled down taking in the scenery, and the newest droid BB-8, who got a cheer from fans as it rolled down the red carpet.

There’s also Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), a captured rebel pilot who is being tortured aboard a Star Destroyer by Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), a Darth Vader-ish bad guy.

Some say she must be Han Solo’s daughter, while others think she’s more likely to be the spawn of Luke Skywalker – but what’s Ridley herself’s favourite fan theory?


The film – which is set for general release on Thursday – has already made United Kingdom box office history, selling more than half a million tickets for its opening week at one cinema chain alone. The Prequels, as they have come to be known, effectively took everything magical, unique, and mysterious about the “Star Wars’ universe and made it painfully boring”.

Harrison Ford signs autographs for fans on the red carpet PA