
Kim Kardashian Ate Placenta To Avoid Depression?!

She did not actually swallow the placenta in its raw form, instead, she made pills, purple in colour, of her placenta – she freeze-dried the placenta and added it to the pill.


“I heard so many stories when I was pregnant with North of moms who never ate their placenta with their first baby and then had postpartum depression”, Kim wrote.

In any case, here’s to wishing her placenta pills will boost her mom power to take care of her family.

Kim shared to the “I Am Cait” star that she gained 60 pounds while she was still carrying Saint on her womb.

Sister Kourtney also did the same after having her three children, and posted on Instagram about how great she felt after giving birth to Reign back in January.

“You are looking much better”, Jenner told her, to which Kardashian West responded, “I am feeling much better”. “I totally recommend it for anyone considering it!”

Well, it’s been a hot minute since Kim Kardashian birthed baby #2, son Saint West, so it’s high time she turned her attention to the deeper issues at hand: breastfeeding and bonding with her infant. “I nearly died”, the reality star said.

Kim Kardashian has already reportedly shed 17 pounds of her pregnancy weight, and she has no intention of stopping soon. According to WebMD, the placenta can be consumed raw or fried, with most non-human mammals, such as dogs, even eating it right after birth.

The throwback photos come just one day after Kanye West’s wife spoke out about her weight both before and after giving birth to her second child.

Commenting on a review into published research studies on placentophagy, Louise Silverton, Director for Midwifery at the Royal College of Midwives, said: “As this paper finds there is little or no evidence around women eating their placenta”.


While Kim hasn’t stepped out publicly since welcoming Saint, she has again taken to her website to discuss her post-baby body with Caitlyn Jenner.

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