
Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Stormtroopers on red carpet for European premiere

As of Wednesday evening, Star Wars: The Force Awakens holds an admirable 96% on movie-review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes.


These policies were put in place after Colorado theater shooter James Holmes killed 12 people and injured 70 by firing upon a midnight movie showing of a Batman film.

Tonight the stars of the JJ Abrams co-created film will descend on London’s Empire, Leicester Square. If you can tolerate a very, very low-grade spoiler, you can click through to learn which scene.

The new Star Wars was shot on Kodak film, and thanks to a number of other major productions using Kodak as well, Kodak says it may be profitable starting next year.

Motion pictures debuting in December tend to underperform on their opening weekends in the USA, as holiday preparations including travel and shopping become a greater priority than going to the theater. “It never gets old, it’s hard to believe the excitement after all of these years”. What’s important here is the original trilogy.

The plot of the new film has pretty much been kept on the down-low, but cast info and some basic details about the story have been revealed bit-by-bit over time.

English actors Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker, who play C-3P0 and R2-D2, are also set to appear, as is actor Warwick Davis and robot BB-8.

The seventh instalment in the Star Wars series comes 10 years after the last film and reunites the original trio who were absent from the prequels.


The film’s Hollywood premiere earlier this week saw an army of Stormtroopers on the red carpet, while fans camped out ahead of the first public screening.

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