
Marco Rubio: Ted Cruz offers just ‘tough talk’ on ISIS terror threat

According to the CNN, Trump said that he has “gained great respect for the Republican leadership” in recent weeks as well as his fellow Republican candidates for president.


On the issue of the Muslim ban, the candidates have been walking a careful line with how to handle Trump, embracing the man that has been a force in the GOP primary thus far but dismissing a position which could be toxic in the general election.

“The Committee is not investigating anything said during last night’s Republican Presidential debate”, Sens.

A notable exception? Despite landing some powerful punches on Trump – deriding the showman as a “chaos candidate” and insisting that – former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush may not benefit at all from his strongest debate performance to date.

Trump finally says without exception he won’t run as a third party candidate. “I’m at 42, and you’re at 3”. But one candidate who disagreed but hasn’t criticized Trump to his face – Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen.

Burr said he’d be “a lot more worried” if Cruz were actually a member of the Intelligence Committee, which Rubio is.

Politico reported Wednesday that Jeb Bush is considering declaring he will not support Donald Trump if the billionaire ends up becoming the Republican presidential nominee.

Trump didn’t have to spend most of the debate defending himself from attacks. “I think the good job he did last night should have been done two debates ago. And that would only be accelerated by a budget he supports”, Rubio said on Fox News.

During the debate, Cruz said he voted against the defense spending bill because he wanted it to remove the federal government’s authority to detain USA citizens without due process.

Unbowed by the criticism, Mr Trump belittled the former Florida governor, saying: “Jeb doesn’t really believe I’m unhinged”.

Rebecca Glover Watkins, who acts as the Communications Director for Chairman Burr, tweeted “Cruz shouldn’t have said that” just after the exchange.

Rubio said the bulk collection “was a valuable tool that we no longer have at our disposal”. “And we’ve opened up a very big discussion that needed to be opened up”, the mogul said. Even Ben Carson, who has been tagged as a foreign policy lightweight, came across as more knowledgeable.


Instead, moderator Wolf Blitzer provided a platform for the GOP candidates to uncork frightening – and unfathomably expensive – proposals for the United States to take the fight to ISIS, and Syria, and Russian Federation, and China, and North Korea, and, well, you get the idea.

Donald Trump on the GOP Debate Jeb Bush and More