
‘Corrupt’ copy of Star Wars in Egypt IMAX theatre leaves fans disappointed

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has sold more than $100 million in tickets before any audience has paid to see it, sources said. Beyond Leia, female characters only speak for 63 seconds of the 386-minute running time of the original trilogy, which, let’s face it, is pretty poor.


There’s one main character in particular who left me frustrated. “If you lie to me, I’ll be mad”, she warns. By then everyone assumed it would be bad based on the previous two films, and while the final fight sequence was interesting and the CGI was finally up to standards, fans hoped to see a great conclusion which would lead us into the first Star Wars from 1977. “I hope they’ll be bringing that feeling back and make a proper Star Wars”.

He described Abrams as “a brilliant filmmaker”, adding: “He’s an enormous film nerd – I say that with great affection because I am too”.

A little further into the movie, and we meet important figures on opposite sides of the fight who are both female. Also worthy of credit are redemption seeking Storm Trooper Finn (John Boyega), scary but flawed new Sith on the block Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and hotshot pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac). “It was fantastic. I’m just so emotional right now”.

Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker, said he initially had doubts about returning to the role. It followed James Bond films and Steven Spielberg’s “Jaws” (the first movie to open in wide release). I’ve lost track on how many times I’ve seen these movies over the years, between the original theater screenings, the theater re-release of the Special Edition, along with well-worn VHS tapes, DVD and Blu-ray versions. Every swing of a lightsaber here is fuelled by the intent of its wielder, and it’s just as gripping as those climactic duels between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker 30 years ago.

He won’t be going to see The Force Awakens since he has to work. Christopher Hooton in his review said: ” Star Wars: The Force Awakens is actually probably objectively the best Star Wars yet, and would be held up as untouchable had it come first.

While the Star Wars series has been around for decades, most of the conversations online belonged to the 18-25 age group.

Asked by red carpet host Alex Zane about handing the Star Wars baton to JJ Abrams, George Lucas quipped: “I felt that I had to pass it on before I passed on”.

The Telegraph and The Guardian awarded the film five stars.


“It was the idea of what would this new generation be, given that they were standing on the shoulders of characters we knew from years earlier”, Abrams said in an earlier interview.

Actors dressed as Stormtroopers and Darth Vader arrive at the European premiere of the film'Star Wars The Force Awakens' in London Wednesday Dec. 16 20