
Microsoft Expands List of Backward Compatible Xbox One Titles

Microsoft says that it continues to work with its publishing partners to further grow the library of backwards compatible titles for the Xbox One, it promises that additions will be made to the catalog on a regular basis.


You’ll also find some old Xbox Live Arcade hits available to play on Xbox One, like Braid, Hydro Thunder, Iron Brigade and Motocross Madness, alongside a selection of other titles.

Backwards compatibility was launched with the Xbox One New Experience update in November. Title availability varies by region.

Microsoft typically waits until well into the current month before they announce what new titles will be coming through the Xbox Live Games with Gold service when the calendar turns over, so it may still be a while before there is a formal announcement from them. A lot of games are releasing next year and among those you will find interesting Halo Wars 2 and Gears of War 4, despite those are not being talked about so much lately. Presumably, there’s some extensive testing involved before games are made available for the program too, but Microsoft hasn’t confirmed that.

When revealing the games on the Xbox site they revealed some interesting titles including Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Fable III, Halo: Reach, Kane & Lynch 2 and some others.


See the full list directly below or at Major Nelson’s here. And we’ve got more titles on top of that. What’s more, players get access to features that only Xbox One offers, like streaming and recording.

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