
Fear Grips U.S. Muslim Students After Trump Proposal

Trump himself has suggested such action was justified by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. Trump says he is calling for a “complete and total shutdown” on Muslims entering the United States. Carson said that a Muslim can not be put in charge of the nation. But the war over political correctness was never an attempt to stifle debate -only a fence to keep out the kinds of discriminatory animism that has hoisted Trump to the front of our political atmosphere. Outside his Republican supporters and party 58 percent of all Americans have an unfavorable view of him. Protesters are showing up and then getting kicked out by security.


For much of its history as a term, warnings of “political correctness” have come from conservative commentators warning of a supposed suppression of new ideas by liberal academics, best epitomized by Allan Bloom’s seminal 1987 book “The Closing of the American Mind” (recently echoed by the Atlantic as “The Coddling of the American Mind”).

“I’m not quite sure why there’s this real big push to sort of cover the hostility that comes within the faith of Islam”, Pierson added later in the interview. The rise of Donald Trump definitely falls into that category.

Trump has remained at the head of the Republican field for months, and his tough words about Muslims may be tapping into fears among Republican voters about immigrants from the Middle East. His proposal to keep Muslims from entering the United States followed the December 2 shootings in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 dead and 21 wounded.

Tapper pressed on: “But they don’t support the ban?” Even though by their own admission they are actually just looking for Arabic language accounts many of which are not affiliated to ISIS.

“If a restriction on Muslims were to become law, it would not surprise me to see the courts strike it down as irrational – and probably because it sweeps too broadly”, said UCLA law professor Hiroshi Motomura, who teaches immigration law.

“Trump is smart like a fox”, one man said. And it’s from a group of people. Years after his death in 2008, the Clash of Civilizations remains highly controversial for how it depicts relations between the Muslim world and the West. Today, Da’esh and other like-minded terrorist groups, as well as hateful individuals like Donald Trump, give credence to Huntington’s contentious and conflict-provoking theories long since discredited my mainstream thinkers and politicians.

Trump is incompetent to lead the Republican Party. “Donald Trump does not represent Vancouver in any way, shape, or form”.

When asked by AP if the ban would apply to US citizens traveling, working or living overseas, including American servicemen and women who are Muslim, Trump responded via a spokeswoman, “You figure it out!”


Neither Trump nor the Pentagon have commented on the attacks. According to the Tyndall Report, which tracks such things, Trump has gotten more airtime on the network evening news programs than the entire Democratic field combined during this presidential primary season.

Donald Trump says he has postponed his trip to Israel