
Second Flu-Related Death of Season Reported

You can keep away the flu this season by taking these few measures. “It’s not clear why it lasts so short”.


Paul Biedrzycki, director of disease control and environmental health at the Milwaukee Health Department, said not only is the vaccine a powerful preventative, it reduces the severity of flu symptoms and tamps down spread of the disease.

Children younger than 5 – especially those younger than 2 years old – are at high risk of serious flu complications. Beginning as early as October and lasting as late as May, flu season is often dreaded.

The moms – Clemence Rasigni, Magdalena Garcia, Lynn Rosenger, Michelle Carroll and Gabrielle Jakob – sued because their kids would have been barred from attending preschool if they didn’t get them vaccinated before December 31.

“I feel like what comes first is people preferring not to get a shot and that most of the reasons come up to rationalize that”, Levin said.

The research teams analyzed blood samples from over 400 volunteers that received seasonal flu vaccines and subsequently tracked patterns of gene expression for strong immune responses in volunteers’ blood across five consecutive seasons from 2007 to 2011.

“This year’s flu vaccine appears to be a great match for the viruses circulating”, said DiOrio. The virus may share similar symptoms-such as low-grade fever or headache-with the flu.

“Together, these results suggest potential mechanisms by which changes to the innate response in the elderly may result in diminished antibody responses to vaccination”, Subramaniam says.

Cell-based vaccines: Historically the flu vaccine was developed by cultivating the virus in the eggs of hens. Talk with you primary care physician about the advantages of influenza vaccination and ensure that you’re protected against this very common illness. “It’s not only about protecting yourself, its about protecting other people, too”. “Remember, things that you touch, you can contaminate”. School principals or administrators could have excluded students from attendance.

In addition to getting a flu shot, Dr. Golmohammadi stresses that proper hand washing and covering noses and mouths when coughing or sneezing are also important ways to prevent the spread of influenza and many other infections.

CDPH also encourages people to protect their health by eating a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep and not smoking.


For those who have already caught the flu, Archibald instructed patients to drink plenty of fluids, take over-the-counter flu medication or see a doctor for further treatment options, and stay home until they are well again. While the number of flu cases now is low, these numbers generally increase at this time of year. Experts say last winter’s predominant flu strain was different than the strain the main vaccine was meant to fight. A schedule of clinics offering flu shots in Ventura County can be found at flu-vaccine-information.

Flu Shot